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- Your ADA is never locked. You are free to move your ADA at any time.
- Your ADA never leaves your wallet; therefore, you cannot lose ADA via staking.
- Staking Rewards are added and compounded automatically.
- It can take 15-19 days to start receiving rewards after you begin staking
- Fixed cost and margin are taken out of the total epoch rewards and go to the validator first. The rewards are then distributed to all delegators.
Epoch Information
- An epoch is approximately 5 days long
Rewards Schedule Timeline Example:
Please note that clicking the images will enlarge them and will be clearer to view
- It takes 15-19 days to start receiving rewards after you start staking
- if you increase or decrease your staked amount (this is done by transferring ADA in to increase the amount or transferring out to decrease ADA), it takes 15-19 days for you to receive rewards based on this new balance
- You are free to change the validator during the staking period and your entire stake account balance is automatically re-staked, with no further action required
Staking Amount
- Any funds added to your account are automatically staked.
- There's no 'unstake' function -- staking stops when all funds are transferred out of the account (i.e. the available balance is 0)
- If you transfer funds out, you will receive rewards for 2 more epochs. It is advisable to leave a small amount of ADA in your available balance to pay the transaction fees to claim and then transfer the extra rewards
- Funds are never locked and frozen and you can transfer them out at any time
- Please note that the rewards calculation will start on the next Epoch.
- Rewards are re-staked automatically.
- The staked balance doesn't include rewards; however, rewards are still staked!