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The below guide will outline how to import an existing NuFi Wallet.
There are two ways in which this can be done:
a) By using a wallet backup
b) By using your recovery phase, wallet name, and wallet password
Restore Wallet
Select 'Restore Wallet':
You will be shown the below options:
a. Using a Wallet Backup
The below steps will demonstrate how to restore a wallet using a backup file.
This process assumes you have created a NuFi Wallet backup file and saved it to your computer
Step 1: Backup File
Beneath Backup file, select 'Upload':
Step 3: Password
Step 4: Wallet Recovered
You will then see the below message, confirming that your wallet has been restored.
Press 'Go to Wallet dashboard' to start using your wallet.
b. Using Recovery Phrase
The below steps will demonstrate how to restore a wallet using a recovery phrase, wallet name, and wallet password.
You will need your 15 words mnemonic/seed phrase to restore your wallet using this method.
Please note that if you restore a wallet with a recovery phrase, you will need to re-add any additional accounts you created. This can be done by using the 'Add account' functionality. For information on how to do this, see the articles:
Add Account - Pair Ledger Nano S/X
Step 1: Recovery Phrase
Select 'Recovery Phrase', where you will be shown the below:
Step 2: Enter Recovery Phrase
Enter each 15-word mnemonic/seed phrase in the same order it was given to you and press 'Continue'
Step 3: Wallet name and wallet password
You will then be asked to input your wallet name and wallet password.
If you have forgotten the password to your previous wallet, you can input a new password in this step. (Important! Password minimum of 8 characters and must have complexities which consist of capital letter, small letter, number, & symbol)
Once you have input a wallet name and set and confirmed the password, press 'Recover':
Step 4: Wallet Restored
You will then see the below message, confirming that your wallet has been restored.
Press ‘Go to Wallet dashboard’ to start using your wallet: