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Step 1: Access NuFi Wallet
Access NuFi Wallet.
Step 2: Portfolio Manager
The Portfolio Manager page will be displayed. Select ‘NFT’, as shown below:
Step 3: NFT Gallery
Your NFT Gallery will then be displayed, where you can view all your NFTs:
Step 4: Sending NFT
This example will demonstrate using the NFT in the account ‘ADA_3’
Select NFT
Identify the account where the NFT you wish to send is, then press ‘Select to send’:
You will then be able to click on the NFT(s) within that account. Select the NFT you wish to send.
Send Selected
Once you have selected the NFT to send, press ‘Send Selected’:
Step 5: Select Account
You will then be shown some options, where you can select where to send the NFT to.
Ensure ‘External address’ is selected, then input the wallet address of the account you wish to send the NFT to, then press ‘Continue’:
Step 6: Review Transaction
You will then be shown a breakdown of the transaction.
Please note that although you’re not sending ADA, each NFT has a small amount of ADA tied to it, known as min-ada-value. This means your available ADA balance will decrease slightly when you transfer out an NFT; this ADA (tied to the NFT) isn’t spendable and can’t be sent separately, and must accompany the NFT in transactions. Please see the article 'Can’t send all the ADA shown in available balance' for more information.
Enter the password for the profile, then press ‘Submit’:
Step 7: Transaction Successful
You will then be shown the below, confirming that your transaction was successful.
Select ‘Close’ to return to the NFT gallery or ‘New transaction’ to begin a new transaction.