Welcome to NuFi wallet's knowledge base. Learn more about NuFi (and access the wallet) on our homepage here or ask a question in our Discord server here.


Step 1: Access NuFi Wallet


Select ‘Pair Hardware wallet’


Step 2: Connect Hardware Wallet


Select ‘Yes, I have a hardware wallet’:


Please note that when creating a wallet using this option, no accounts will be created automatically; you will have to create them manually.  


Step 3: Important Information


You will be shown some important information. Ensure you read this carefully, then press ‘Got it!’


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Step 4: Wallet Name


Choose a name for this wallet. The default name will be ‘Wallet_1’, however, you can change this. Once you have chosen a name, read and agreed to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, press ‘Continue’:




Step 5: Password


Choose and confirm a password, then press ‘Continue’:


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Step 6: Recovery Phrase


You will be asked if you want to create a recovery phrase. This article focuses on creating a wallet without a recovery phrase, so click ‘Continue without recovery phrase’:


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Please note that you can create a recovery phrase later. A recovery phrase will be required if you wish to create a non-hardware wallet account, or if you wish to use Wingriders. See the article ‘Activate Recovery Phrase’ for instructions.



Step 7: Wallet Created


Your wallet has now been created and is ready to use. You will be taken to the Portfolio page.


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Step 8: Pair Hardware Wallet


You will be shown a prompt to pair a hardware wallet. Press ‘Got it’, as shown below:


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Step 9: Add hardware account


You will be asked how you want to add a new account. Select ‘Add new HW account’:


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Step 10: Select Hardware Wallet


You will be asked which hardware wallet you want to add. Select ‘Trezor’:


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Step 11: Select blockchain


At present, NuFi only supports the Cardano blockchain when pairing a Trezor wallet. Press ‘Continue’:  


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Step 12: Pair Device


Ensure that your Trezor is connected and unlocked, your firmware is up to date and Trezor suite is not running, then press ‘I’ve set up my Trezor’


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Step 13: Trezor Connect


Trezor Connect will open in a new window, asking if you want to allow permissions to NuFi to export your Cardano public key.


To always allow NuFi permission to export your Cardano public key, check ‘Don’t ask me again’ and then ‘Always allow for this service’.


Alternatively, select ‘Allow once for this session’. If you select this option, you will need to repeat this process if you need to allow permission to export your Cardano public key again in the future.



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Step 14: Export multiple Cardano public keys


You will then be asked to export multiple Cardano public keys. Select ‘Export’:


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Step 15: Trezor Passphrase


Default Wallet


To access your default wallet, leave the ‘Passphrase’ and ‘Confirm passphrase’ fields blank, and press ‘Enter’:


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Step 15: Select Account


You will be taken back to NuFi and shown a list of accounts that are stored within your Trezor.


Select the account you wish to use (this example will demonstrate using the empty wallet), then press ‘Continue’:


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Step 16: Create Account Name


Input a name for your account, then press ‘Continue’:


The default is ‘ADA_trezor_1’.


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Step 17: Done


Your account has been added. Press ‘Start using account’ to go to your Portfolio.



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