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Step 1: Access NuFi Wallet

Access NuFi Wallet.

Step 2: Portfolio 

The Portfolio page will be displayed. Select ‘Accounts’:

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Step 3: Accounts

A list of your accounts will be displayed. Identify the account you wish to check the transaction history for, then select ‘Manage account’. 

This example will demonstrate using the account ‘ADA_1’

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Step 4: Manage account

You will then be shown a list of options. Select ‘Show account history’:

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Step 5: Accounts & History

You will be taken to the account history, where you can see transactions that have taken place. Use the scroll bar to view more history. 

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You can also view the history of your other accounts on the same blockchain, by selecting that account under the ‘Accounts’ section.

The below image demonstrates using the account ‘ADA_ledger_1’ 

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