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NuFi’s exchange feature uses Changelly to allow users to exchange between cryptocurrencies effectively and efficiently.

This article will demonstrate how to exchange cryptocurrency in an external wallet for a different cryptocurrency in another external wallet via NuFi.

Step 1: Access NuFi Wallet


Access NuFi wallet. You will be taken to the Portfolio page.


Step 2: Portfolio


For the asset you want to exchange, select ‘Exchange’ as shown below.


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Step 3: New Exchange


You will be taken to the exchange page. Select ‘New exchange’:


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Step 4: Exchange Screen


The Exchange screen will then be displayed. You will need to input some details of the exchange.


Select ‘External address’ for both ‘Fund from’ and ‘Receive to’:


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Step 5: Exchange Details


This example will demonstrate exchanging Cardano in an Adalite wallet for Ethereum in a Metamask wallet. Please ensure you have the addresses of both wallets.


Input the following information:


  • The asset you want to exchange from (Cardano in this example)
  • The amount you want to exchange (55 Cardano in this example)
  • The asset you want to exchange to (Ethereum in this example)
  • The address of the receiving account (The Ethereum address in Metamask in this example)


Once you have completed this, press ‘Continue’.


A breakdown of each field is outlined below.


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Note: The amount to exchange does not include the network fee, so please ensure you have enough funds in your external wallet to cover this.






The asset you are exchanging from


Fund From


Where the asset is being funded from; an external address outside of your NuFi wallet or an account within your NuFi wallet.


If you select an asset that you do not hold within your NuFi wallet, this will automatically select ‘External address’.


Amount to exchange


Input the amount of the asset (which is Cardano in this demonstration) you want to exchange.


Please note that there are limits on the minimum and maximum amounts you can exchange, which will vary depending on the asset you are exchanging.


Network Fee


An approximate network fee that will be deducted for the transaction to take place.  






The asset you want to exchange to


Receive to


Specify if you want an external address to receive the asset or an account within your NuFi wallet.


This example will receive Ethereum into Metamask.  


Estimated amount to receive


The estimated amount of the exchanged asset you will receive.


In this example, approximately 0.0187 Ethereum will be received by exchanging 55 Cardano


Conversion Rate


The current conversation rate of the asset you are exchanging from, to the asset you are exchanging to


Step 6: Exchange


You will be shown a breakdown of the transaction.


Ensure you read and accept the Terms & Conditions and then press ‘Exchange’:



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Note: The amount to exchange does not include the network fee, so please ensure you have enough funds in your external wallet to cover this.



Step 7: Send External Funds (Awaiting Payment)


You will be shown an address where you will need to send the specified amount of the asset you are exchanging from. This is so Changelly can receive, and subsequently exchange the funds.


From the external wallet you are sending the funds from, send the specified amount of cryptocurrency to the given payin address. Please note that you have 36 hours to send the funds, otherwise the transaction will be cancelled.  



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Sending funds from an external wallet


This step will vary depending on the external wallet being used to transfer from.


In this example, funds will be sent from an Adalite wallet to the given payin address.


Step 1: Send the specified funds to the given payin address


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Note: Please ensure you have enough funds to cover the network fee


Step 2: Confirm Transaction


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Viewing Progress


Please note that clicking the the Changelly ID will give you further information about the transaction, such as the amount of time remaining to send the funds and the status of the transaction.  


You can also close the dialogue and view the progress of the exchange at any time. This can be done by selecting ‘Exchange’ from the Portfolio page, where you will see a list of your exchanges happening:


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Step 8: Changelly Exchanging

Once Changelly has received the funds, the transaction will go through the following stages:


  • Confirming
  • Exchanging
  • Sending


The status of the exchange can be viewed within your NuFi wallet or Changelly, as shown in Viewing Progress in Step 7.


Step 9: Successful


Once the transaction has been successful, the funds will appear in the specified External account (Metamask in this example).


Within the ‘Exchange detail’ page, you will see the below, confirming the success of the exchange.


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Viewing exchanged funds in the external wallet


In the wallet you exchanged funds to, you will see the funds.


The exchanged Ethereum can be seen in a Metamask wallet in this example:


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