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This article will demonstrate how to restake FLOW rewards. FLOW rewards are paid every 7 days and will need to be restaked manually. 


Step 1: Access NuFi Wallet


Access NuFi Wallet.

 You will be taken to Portfolio page, as shown below.


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Step 2: Staking


Navigate to ‘Staking’ in the left-hand corner, as shown below.


Graphical user interface, application

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Step 3: My Staking

A list of your staking will be shown.

Press ‘My Staking’ for FLOW.

A screenshot of a computer screen

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Step 4: Stake Accounts


A breakdown of FLOW staking will be displayed. 


Locate the account you wish to restake rewarded FLOW from. 


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Using the three-dot menu, press ‘Restake Rewarded’


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Step 5: Restake Rewarded FLOW


You will then be shown the below. 


Input the amount of FLOW to restake, then press ‘Continue’


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Step 6: Enter Password


A breakdown of the transaction will be displayed. 


Enter the wallet password, then press ‘Submit’



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Whilst the transaction submits, you will be shown the below: 


Chart, treemap chart

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Once the transaction has successfully submitted, you will see the below. 


Press ‘Close’ to go back to the Flow staking page. 


Graphical user interface

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Step 7: Committed

The restaked amount will now appear under ‘Committed’:



The funds will remain here until the start of the next epoch, where they will become ‘Staked’ and will start earning rewards. An epoch is 7 days, so it may take up to 7 days for committed FLOW to begin earning rewards.