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This article will demonstrate how to switch to another account within your NuFi wallet, whilst using WingRiders.


Please see the article ‘Connect to dApp’ for information on how to connect your NuFi Browser Extension wallet to WingRiders.


This article assumes you have already connected your NuFi Browser Extension wallet to WingRiders. 


Step 1: WingRiders


On the WingRiders swap page, refresh the page.


This can be done by pressing F5 on your keyboard or by reloading the page.





Step 2: Choose Account


A pop-up will appear, where you can select another account within your wallet to use with WingRiders.




Step 3: Select Account


Use the dropdown to select the desired account.





Step 4: Connect


Press ‘Connect’.




Step 5: Connected


WingRiders will now be connected to the selected wallet.



Please note that NuFi's browser extension creates a new window for each dApp you connect to, but the windows operate independently: changing the connected account/wallet in one window will not affect any other windows that may be open.