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This article will demonstrate how to switch to another NuFi wallet, whilst using WingRiders.
This article assumes:
- You have installed the NuFi Browser Extension (see article 'Installing NuFi Browser Extension')
- You have more than one NuFi Browser Extension Wallet
- You have already migrated an existing wallet to the NuFi Browser Extension or have created a new wallet via the Browser Extension (see articles ‘Import Wallet using Backup File’ and 'Restore Wallet using Recovery Phrase' for further information on this)
- You have already connected your NuFi Browser Extension wallet to WingRiders (see article ‘Connect to dApp’ for further information on this)
Step 1: WingRiders
On the WingRiders swap page, refresh the page.
This can be done by pressing F5 on your keyboard or by reloading the page.
Step 2: Change Profile
A pop-up will appear, where you can select another NuFi profile to use with WingRiders.
Select ‘Change profile’.
Step 3: Select Profile
Use the dropdown to select the desired wallet.
Step 4: Enter Password
Enter the wallet password, then press ‘Connect’.
Step 5: Select Account
A list of accounts within the wallet can be selected by using the dropdown.
Select the desired account to use with WingRiders.
Step 6: Connect
Once you have selected the account to use, press ‘Connect’.
Step 7: Connected
The wallet will now be connected.