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Below, we explain what a transaction is, why some actions need to be approved while using blockchain apps, and how to approve transactions using the wallet widget.

Why some actions need to be approved

Some actions that you perform while using a DApp (a blockchain app) need to be broadcast (submitted) to the blockchain in a transaction so a permanent record of your action can be saved.

The blockchain records information such as “this wallet bought this token on this date” or “this player did some crucial action in this blockchain game” and makes it publicly available; it can’t be altered from then on.

What is a transaction?

When information needs to be submitted to the blockchain, a transaction is created. A transaction instructs the blockchain to do something specific (e.g. move tokens from this wallet to this wallet). The transaction must be reviewed and approved (signed) by you before it can be submitted.

Important: transactions cannot be reversed after they’ve been submitted to the blockchain.

To submit a transaction, you need to pay a small transaction fee of approximately 0.2 ADA. If you don’t have any ADA in your wallet, you can buy some by following the steps here.

Transactions sometimes fail; if this happens, simply try again or wait and try again later. You can get help here if you need it.