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When you transact on the blockchain (e.g. when sending assets, creating a stake account, using a decentralized app, etc) you need to pay a transaction fee (known as 'gas' on EVM chains) in order to submit your transaction to the network.

For Solana and EVM chains, you can edit the transaction/gas fee, which is the fee paid to the validator who will process your transaction.

Note: If the blockchain is busy and there are many transactions to process, we recommend increasing the transaction/gas fee, as validators are more likely to process transactions that offer higher fees. For EVM chains, a higher gas fee typically results in a transaction being processed more quickly.

To adjust the gas fee for transactions on EVM chains:

1) Set up your transaction (inside NuFi wallet or while using a decentralized app)

2) Choose a gas setting; you can use the pre-selected 'Market' rate which is the standard gas fee currently charged by network or you can select a 'High' gas fee to pay more than market rate and increase the likelihood and speed of your transaction being processed. Choosing 'Low' means paying a smaller gas fee, but your transaction may not be processed.

You can also enter a custom max amount for base and priority fees. 

3) Review and sign the transaction, which will submit it to the network.

Note: you will need the blockchain's native asset (like ETH for Ethereum) in your account's available balance in order to pay gas fees.

To adjust the transaction fee for Solana transactions:

1) Set up your transaction (inside NuFi wallet or while using a decentralized app)

2) Choose a priority fee; you can use the recommended Medium, High or Very High setting, or enter a custom fee.

3) Review and sign the transaction, which will submit it to the network.

Note: you will need Solana blockchain's native asset, SOL, in your account's available balance in order to pay transaction fees.