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For some blockchains (e.g. Ethereum and EVM chains), you may need to add (import) a token if it isn't visible in your wallet.

This is because, for Ethereum and EVM chains, the contents of your wallet is loaded by checking tokens individually to see if the token is held in your wallet. NuFi automatically checks for the most popular tokens but new or lesser-known tokens may not be auto-discovered. If a token isn't visible in your wallet, you can add it by following the steps below.

To add a custom token to your wallet:

1) Go to the Portfolio > Accounts tab in your NuFi wallet

2) Find the account that you want to add the token to; click 'Manage account' on the right side

3) Click 'Import tokens'

4) Confirm the account; if you want to add the same token to multiple accounts, complete this process and then repeat, selecting a different account next time

5) Search for/select the token from the pre-populated list (you can import multiple tokens at the same time).

If the token you want to import isn't in the pre-populated list, click the 'Custom' tab and enter the token's Contract address. The token symbol, token name and decimals should pre-fill automatically. You can find the token's contract address by searching for the token using etherscan.io/tokens, coinmarketcap.com or coingecko.com.


6) Click Continue; review the tokens to be added, and click Import. The token will be added to your wallet (note: you may need to refresh your wallet using the icon at the top).

To remove a custom token from your wallet:

1) Go to the Portfolio > Accounts tab in your NuFi wallet

2) Find the account that contains the token you want to remove

3) Find the token and click the trashcan icon on the right side

4) Click 'Forget token'; the token will no longer be displayed in your wallet (unless you manually re-add it, which you can do at any time)