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NuFi wallet supports hundreds of different blockchains, including popular Layer 1 chains like Solana, Ethereum, BNB Chain and Cardano, all EVM and Layer 2 chains like Base and Arbitrum, and Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) chains like Eclipse. You can choose which of these blockchains you want to enable in your wallet.
This article explains:
*NuFi wallet supports all EVM chains and the most popular are supported by default; all other EVM chains can be added manually
If you enable a blockchain, you can:
✔️ create new accounts or restore existing accounts
✔️ send and receive any assets that use that blockchain
✔️ manage NFTs in the NFT gallery
✔️ use decentralized apps (Dapps)
✔️ stake (for Solana, Cardano, and Flow blockchains)
✔️ use in-app functionality like the cross-chain Exchange and DEXes*
✔️ view transaction history inside NuFi wallet*
*there are some limitations for custom EVM chains; see below
If you disable a blockchain that has accounts containing assets, the accounts/assets are only hidden from view (i.e. not permanently removed or deleted); re-enabling the blockchain will make the same accounts and assets visible again.
1) How to enable/disable blockchains
From the Portfolio screen in NuFi wallet:
1. Click the Gear icon next to the blockchain selector
2. Toggle on/off the blockchains you want to enable in your wallet
3. Click Save
While using a Dapp:
1. If you try to connect to a Dapp but the required blockchain isn't enabled in your wallet, you'll be prompted to activate it inside the Dapp connector window
2. Click Activate; the blockchain will be enabled instantly and you'll then be able to choose which account to connect to the Dapp
2) How to add/edit/remove support for custom EVM chains
NuFi supports the most popular EVM chains by default, and all other EVM chains can be added manually. There are three easy ways to do this:
✔️ connect to chainlist.org and add new chains with one click (recommended)
✔️ connect to a Dapp (you'll be prompted to add the chain you need)
✔️ enter the chain's details manually inside NuFi wallet
Add a chain using Chainlist (recommended):
Setup: First disable MetaMask wallet extension (if it's enabled) in your browser's Extensions manager. If you don't have MetaMask extension enabled, skip this step.
1. Visit chainlist.org and click 'Connect Wallet' in the top right.
NuFi's Dapp connector window will pop up; choose the wallet profile that you want to add the new chain to, and select any EVM account
2. Use the search box at the top of the page to search for the chain you want to add
3. Click 'Add to MetaMask'
4. NuFi's Dapp connector window will pop up; check the chain's details and click 'Add' to enable this chain inside your NuFi wallet
Note: you may need to refresh your wallet before the newly-added chain becomes visible.
Add a chain when you connect to a Dapp:
1. Navigate to an EVM Dapp and choose to connect with NuFi wallet
2. NuFi's Dapp connector window will pop up; choose the wallet profile that you want to add the new chain to, and select any EVM account
3. You'll be prompted to add support for whichever blockchain the Dapp is using; click 'Add'
The new EVM chain will be added and enabled, and you'll be connected to the Dapp.
Add a chain manually inside NuFi wallet
From the Portfolio screen:
1. Click the Gear icon next to the blockchain selector
2. Click 'Add custom blockchain' at the bottom
3. Enter the chain ID, network name, RPC URL, currency symbol and block explorer URL; click Add
You can get the necessary information from chainlist.org or from how-to documentation available on the blockchain's website (in an article such as 'how to add xyz chain to MetaMask')
To edit or remove a custom EVM chain
From the Portfolio screen:
1. Click the Gear icon next to the blockchain selector
2. Find the chain you want to edit or remove and click 'EDIT'
3. You can edit the network name, RPC URL, currency symbol and block explorer URL; click Save after editing
To remove the custom EVM chain from your wallet, click 'Delete blockchain'.