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You can buy crypto using a bank card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, bank transfer and other payment options (depending on your country of residence) by clicking the 'Buy/Sell Crypto' button in NuFi wallet. Buying and selling crypto is done through a 3rd-party service called Moonpay.

Important: if it’s your first time buying crypto with Moonpay, you’ll need to complete KYC (which stands for ‘Know Your Customer’); this is an automated process that takes several minutes and involves uploading a document (like a driver’s license or passport) to confirm your identity. You can learn more about which documents are accepted here.

KYC is used to prevent fraudulent or illegal activities, and once you’ve completed this process, you won’t need to do it again.

To buy crypto:

  1. On the Portfolio > Assets screen, click Buy/Sell Crypto, and then click Buy

  2. Moonpay's website will open in a new tab. Follow the on-screen instructions to purchase the crypto of your choice.

    Important: Make sure that you enter the correct receiving address when asked to "Enter wallet address"; this is where the crypto you buy will be deposited, so the address must be for an account that supports the asset you're buying. 
    To find your account's receiving address, go to the Accounts screen in your wallet, find the account you want to receive the crypto into, and copy the account's address to your clipboard.

The crypto you purchase will be deposited into your wallet after several minutes; you may need to click the Reload icon at the top before it becomes visible.

You can track your orders and edit settings (such as payment methods) by logging in to Moonpay's website with the email address you signed up with.