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You can sell the crypto in your wallet and deposit the money into your bank account using our partner service, Moonpay.
Important: if it’s your first time buying or selling crypto with Moonpay, you’ll need to complete KYC (which stands for ‘Know Your Customer’); this is an automated process that takes several minutes and involves uploading a document (like a driver’s license or passport) to confirm your identity. You can learn more about which documents are accepted here.
KYC is used to prevent fraudulent or illegal activities, and once you’ve completed this process, you won’t need to do it again.
Requirements: enough crypto in your account to pay a transaction/gas fee
To sell crypto:
On the Portfolio > Assets screen, click Buy/Sell Crypto, and then click Sell
Moonpay's website will open in a new tab. Follow the on-screen instructions to sell the crypto of your choice.
Important: you will need to send the crypto you want to sell to Moonpay, who will then deposit money into your bank account. Moonpay will give you a deposit address; you should send the exact amount of the specific asset to this address.
To send the crypto, you will need to pay a transaction or gas fee (separate from the amount you're selling), so take this into consideration when choosing how much to sell.
Important: it may take several hours for Moonpay to deposit the money into your bank account.