Welcome to NuFi wallet's knowledge base. Learn more about NuFi (and access the wallet) on our homepage here or ask a question in our Discord server here.


Problem A:

I restored a wallet that I created on a different website. When I loaded the wallet, the account balance was zero.


Please double check the mnemonic/seed/recovery phrase on the website you used previously and then try again. If you have multiple seed phrases, make sure you’re using the right one.


Problem B:

I created a new wallet and then paired my hardware wallet but, when the account was imported, the balance was zero.

Solution 1:

If you’re using the Passphrase feature on your Ledger or Trezor, please make sure you’re entering this passphrase in exactly the same way as you did before.

If you used Passphrase in the past but disabled it after a firmware upgrade, please be sure to enable it now, or disable this feature/don’t enter a passphrase if you didn’t in the past.

It may be that you unknowingly entered a variation of your passphrase last time you used your device, or you may be entering a variation this time round.

For example, if your intended passphrase is ‘newyork’, the following passphrases will open 5 different wallets (each with a different receiving address and balance):

“newyork” ⇒ Wallet 1

“Newyork” ⇒ Wallet 2
(notice the capital N) 

“ newyork” ⇒ Wallet 3
(notice the space before)

“newyork ” ⇒ Wallet 4

(notice the space after)

“newyorkk” ⇒ Wallet 5

(notice the letter accidentally added at the end)

It may be that you’re entering your intended (i.e. correct) passphrase right now, but you may have unknowingly entered a variation in the past. The solution is to try as many variations as possible until you find the wallet you’re looking for.

Solution 2:

If you have multiple accounts in your Ledger or Trezor’s wallet, make sure you’ve imported each account individually. When you pair your hardware wallet, the accounts contained are listed separately and aren’t imported in bulk, so you’ll need to ‘Add Account’ and follow the on-screen instructions to import each separate account.

Solution 3:

If you use more than one hardware wallet, be sure to check your other device(s) too.


Problem C:

I used my hardware wallet’s seed phrase on the ‘Restore a wallet’ page but, when the account was added, the balance was zero.


Your Ledger or Trezor wallet’s seed phrase isn’t compatible with the wallet restore function.

To use your hardware wallet with NuFi, first create a brand new wallet and then follow the instructions to pair your hardware wallet after that (see the second half our step-by-step video guide here).

Please note: you should never enter your hardware wallet’s seed phrase anywhere online, even on Nu.Fi.

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